Curriculum Vitae
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Recent Publications:
Jeske, Melanie, Aliya Saperstein, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee and Janet K. Shim. 2024."On the Side of Everything Else": Harmonizing Diversity Measures in Precision Medicine Research. Social Studies of Science.
Jeske, Melanie, Jennifer James, and Kelly Joyce. 2023. Diagnosis and the practices of patienthood: How diagnostic processes shape illness experiences. Sociology of Health & Illness.
Jeske, Melanie. 2022. Science Estranged: Power and Inequity in Laboratory Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Science, Technology & Human Values.
Jeske, Melanie, Emily Vasquez, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Aliya Saperstein, Nicole Foti, Michael Bentz M, Janet K. Shim, and Sandra Soo-Jin Lee. 2022. Beyond Inclusion: Enacting Team Equity in Precision Medicine Research. PLOS One.
Shim, Janet K., Michael Bentz, Emily Vasquez, Melanie Jeske, Aliya Saperstein, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Nicole Foti, Caitlin McMahon, and Sandra Soo-Jin Lee. 2022. "Strategies of Inclusion: The Tradeoffs of Pursuing "Baked in" Diversity Through Place-Based Recruitment." Social Science & Medicine.
Jeske, Melanie. 2021. 'Conflict of Interest' or Simply 'Interest'? Shifting Values in Translational Medicine. In Conflict of Interest and Medicine: Knowledge, Practices, and Mobilizations edited by Boris Hauray, Henri Boullier, Jean-Paul Gaudillière, and Hélène Michel. Routledge.
Clarke, Adele, Melanie Jeske, Laura Mamo, and Janet K. Shim. 2021. Biomedicalization Revisited. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology edited by William Cockerham. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
Jeske, Melanie. 2020. Lessons from Theranos: Changing Narratives of Individual Ethics in Science and Engineering. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society. Volume 6: 306-311.
Jeske, Melanie. 2020. Constructing complexity: collective action framing and rise of obesity research. BioSocieties.
Joyce, Kelly and Melanie Jeske. 2020. Using autoimmune strategically: Diagnostic lumping, splitting, and the experience of illness. Social Science and Medicine. Volume 246.
Joyce, Kelly, Jennifer James, and Melanie Jeske.* 2020. Regimes of Patienthood: Developing an Intersectional Concept to Theorize Illness Experiences. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society. Volume 6: 185-192.
* The second and third authors contributed equally to the manuscript and are listed alphabetically.